Friday 24 February 2012

Initial plans for my magazine

After considering the pros and cons, I have decided that the magazine which I intend to produce will have the potential target audience of teenagers and young adults (16-30). This is because magazines seem to be most popular amongst this age range, and in general, if they have a few pounds to spend, they will tend to dish it out on stuff like magazines. The genre which i hope to produce will be a Pop/Rock one. This is due to the fact that these genres are very popular amongst today's youth, hence this genre of magazine will appeal to a wider range of audience and in doing so, have the potential for a bigger market. The price of my magazine will be about £3.00 per issue, as this seems a reasonable and sensible price for a magazine of high quality. The frequancy of publication will be weekly, as I believe there will be enough topics and features to cover a weekly magazine. The average issue size will be just over 100 pages - this is slightly less than most popular magazines such as "Q" and "NME", however, these have less frequent publication. It will also help gain a competitive advantage over other business' magazines. The content will consist of weekly features of stories about pop and rock bands and artists, and also contain several incentives per issue. Also, there will be reviews on albums, singles and live shows.

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